“But to keep up with Speeda Demon, Stormer you will be upgraded with an Ultra Mach Speed Cycle and modular Scout Drones.”
Nathaniel Zib, Breakout
Scout Drones
Scout Drones
User(s) Preston Stormer (Formerly), Mark Surge
Functionality Follow Targets, Shoot Ice Bolts at Enemies
Status In Use

The Scout Drones are weapons used by Heroes. Five Scout Drones were assigned to Preston Stormer to aid in the capture of Speeda Demon.


The Scout Drones have the ability to follow and attack assigned targets by shooting Ice Beams. They are extremely temperature resistant and designed to fly even at high wind speeds.

Set Information[]

The Scout Drones were included in the Stormer Hero Factory set from 2012. It uses 5 of the set pieces.

HeroFactory.com Description[]

The Scout Drones are intelligent little fly-bots mounted directly on Stormer's arms - programmed to withstand extreme temperatures, aerodynamically designed to navigate at high wind speeds. They're perfectly tailored to assist Stomer in his pursuit of Speeda Demon in the icy terrain on the north pole of Kollix IV.

